Christmas in Krakow Pics

The Ankel’s headed to central Europe for a Christmas vacation.  Our first stop was Krakow and this is the only picture of all of us there.

While in Krakow we visited a salt mine, Auschwitz and had a lovely Christmas dinner.  Leah discovered Grzaniec (Polish Mulled Wine) and we all got cold at least part of the time.

Work sets you free. Sad and somber day but a good learning experience.


The stairway to the salt mine Szyb Danilowicza.

Some of timbers were 1000 years old and had petrified. There were still 100 miners working in the mine to keep it safe.

A giant cave that was hollowed out and then turned into a church.

Last Supper in Salt.  There was also “water to wine” and “Jesus teaching at the temple”

Dire Straits – this guy cranked the music and put the pedal to the floor on the way back from the salt mine.  My kind of Taxi driver.


I almost fell descending a wet grassy hill to get to Leah for this one.

If you can’t beat em join em. Eli is tough to get on camera with any kind of enthusiasm. I’ll take some enthusiastic silliness though.


Matty head shot


Street Food.  I don’t know how many pictures I have of Ethan watching his brothers.  I always wonder what is he thinking now.  One of my favorite moments like this is  here James is driving, I’m giving him a hard time and Mooky is watching/learning/laughing.

Leah is getting a bit cold.

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