The Gentleman’s Guide to Passages South by Bruce Van Sant says never miss a sundowner, which means depart early, arrive early and have time to enjoy the sunset at your new destination, cold drink in hand.
From between 5pm and sunset time, most cruisers can be seen in their cockpits or on their decks, having a cold drink, some appetizers or an early supper, enjoying the cool of the evening and waiting for the sun to set. We listen for sunset times as it is a part of the daily forecast that is broadcast on the cruisers net. Usually our radio is set to the ship to ship channel so that you can hail other boats, but when you want to chat with someone or listen to the cruisers net, you change the channel on your radio. In Georgetown, the cruisers net is broadcast on channel 72 at 8am.
Most sunset times are around 7:30, although the times have been getting progressively later by a minute each night. Usually we have supper at 6, then the boys play for a little while, write in their journals, get ready for bed and then at 7:15 or so, everyone clambers into the cockpit and waits for the sun to go down. This is not always a calm and relaxing part of our day. The boys are usually climbing all over us or each other, swinging from things they shouldn’t be swinging from or chattering over each other so that we almost miss the sunset, but some evenings it is actually a nice family time.
Our friend Gaye gave us a little rule to help us decipher how much time is left until sunset. If you hold our your hand against the horizon, the width of each finger represents 15 minutes until the sun sets. Obviously this rule only works for the last hour and may be a little off depending on how chunky or slender your fingers are, but it seems to work as a general rule of thumb (Haha). Wayne says that this only works for up to two hours unless you have an unusual number of digits.
When the sun officially sets, Matthew blows his conch shell that Wayne made for him. We pass the shell around and everyone takes a turn. It is a small conch so it is a little difficult to get a nice tone out of it, but you purse your lips as if you are playing a trumpet and blast away. Our friends from Celebration have a big conch which is actually easier to blow and it makes this beautiful, low, mellow sound.

Ethan having a go at the conch. We had supper at the boat Family Business who we met through Celebration.
A couple of times the sun has flashed green just before it slips below the horizon which is known as a Green Flash. Conditions have to be just right in order for that to happen; a clear night and smooth seas, so we have only seen a few flashes.
After everyone blows on the conch, then we all go down below, read bedtime stories, say our prayers and tuck the boys into bed. It is a nice, sometimes relaxing way to end the day.
Loved the video guys! We still can’t believe how fortunate we are to be able to follow you guys on your blog! We can’t wait for your next entry. Ethan is getting so big and he and Matty did a great job on the conch! Thinking about you often…
Thank you for being faithful readers Gagnon family. We love to get comments back, it helps us feel connected to our friends and family back home. We think about you too! Thanks, L
Sundowner also means that time of evening when old people get a bit dozy and their memory becomes cloudy, but I don’t see any sign of that in the marvellous conch blowing video!
Thanks for your stories, we enjoy reading every single one!
P.S. Don’t sting rays sting?? John stepped on one in South America and gave us a fright!
Sting rays do sting, but the ones that visit this part of the beach are quite tame as they know they will be fed by the tourists. Caution is still advised as they are wild animals and it is a little disconcerting to see them swimming towards you and not changing course until they flap by your ankles. Very cool creatures! L
They do look like they are flying in the water, don’t they? Beautiful creatures.
What an adventure.Loved watching the conch show. DeanCosmo and I are at home in SK. We will be in Mb next wk.
It’s in the low teens here and dusty and brown. There is still ice on the lake.
Cosmo sends picks and tail wags.
just love watching the sunsets in PV, the best part of the day..
Conch Trumpet competition…. Amazing fun… the joys of living and playing aboard… LET THE ADVENTURE CONTINUE!!
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