Fishing Off of Viatori

Over the last two weeks several items have fallen over board and sunk to the bottom 15 feet below Viatori. The last straw was the glass lid on the coffee percolator. The prospect of no coffee on board for the next while had me jumping overboard and diving down to find it.

I failed to find the lid, but did find a clothes pin and some pipe that we use to hold our windscope into the wind. I also found some big pipes under the water which a school of fish are living on. I told Phil about the fish and a few days later he came by with the dinghy, three rods and some frozen squid for bate. Let the fishing begin!

This wasn’t really fishing as I remember it… At one timing it took less than 40 seconds to get a line in the water to having a fish back in the boat. We pulled about 25 snappers which we fried up later that night on Elizabeth Pearl.

A great feed and great fun. We have video but won’t be able to upload it until we get back to civilization.

Some Pics.

James pulling the first picture – he jumped out of his seat when it came aboard to "avoid the slimy fish"

Proud fisherman

I hope this worked because I posted this entirely by email from Gmail.


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