The best attractions we went to in Havana were Castillo de la Real Fuerza, the Havana Club Museum and the Revolution Museum.

Giant model of Santissima Trinidad, which was built in Havana in 1768 and had more guns than any other ship during the age of sail. Lost during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. One side of the model was cut away to show the inside of the ship and had many figures depicting scenes of ship board life inside.

Mooky getting a better look at the train model. He made the tour guide give him a second look at the train. The second time around he had already figured out where the switches were to turn the train on and off.

A Cuban chess player. As part of school, children who show promise at chess get to play instead of gym. He beat me.

Monument to the Granma which is stored inside the building. Around it are paraphernalia from the revolution.