Now that we are back in the grind of “normal” life; I find the temptation to “live for the weekend” and not live during the week has returned with a vengeance. Despite the pining for a weekend, on Monday (Sunday in Oman), it is sometimes hard to answer the question of “what did you do this weekend?” Living for the weekend is toxic, but when nearly every weekend is an awesome good time it’s hard not to do. Well to combat this forgetfulness is a post of the last two weekends we had here. Instead of living for the weekend I try to just look forward to the weekend!
Weekend #1: BBQ at the Anderson’s, Red Bull Race Car (Last rain of 2016?), Pancake Breakfast (Real Pork!), Smoked Brisket, Poker (Texas Holdem’), Mommy and Kids Bunco Tournament, Tennis for Kids/ Coffees for Adults, New Phone for Leah (J74L), Pizza
Weekend #2: Pizza and Potter with a sleepover, Leah with the girls at Hannah’s, Pancakes for four boys, Beach Day (big waves and sunburn ouch!), Farewell BBQ for Elliot’s (clink-clink-clink on the way home “empty my liquor cabinet please”), Tennis and Coffee, Beach BBQ with American Section (Beautiful Sunset).
- Last rain of the year?
- Bag on the head!
- Pancakes and Pork with Canadian Social Club.
- Second set of glasses broken!
- Pick a Pot.