Any time someone says to me: “Do you want to go boating?” I answer: “YES”
An american friend of ours Christina organized a Dhow trip and the next day we went out with Murray and Teresa on their boat. On the dhow, the water was a bit rough but it was a big boat so the Viatorians had a great time standing on the bow as it plunged into the sea. Quite a few landlubbers didn’t fair quite so well and were feeling queasy with at least one kid feeding the fishes. The sunset was beautiful and the ride back uneventful. I am always impressed with how easily they are able to dock the big boats using only prop walk in tight quarters with wind.
With Murray we headed up to Bandar Kyran, BK for short, for a day of jetskiing, swimming, eating and chilling out. Murray’s buddy brought a couple of girls from Morocco that he had met the night before – both had never been on a boat and one couldn’t swim. They turned out to be great fun to have along.
The bay was calm with only a gentle breeze and yet all day the boats were having to re-anchor every few hours as you set their anchor or dived it to make sure it was set. More interesting was the re-anchoring of two boats that were rafted (tied to together). They were only able to move and steer while going in reverse and generally only could turn to port. No one got hurt and nothing broke so no problem I guess. A bit more chain and a bit more patience to get the anchor down instead of tossing it overboard and jumping in to cool off would go a long way.
A great day.

Christina and Stacy

Chilling in the water at BK.

Jetski soccer?


Ferrying supplies from one boat to another

Logan wakeboarding behind the jetski