Well our return was a little painful… I lost my cell phone the first night during the fiasco called checking in with 9 people, 20 bags and language barriers. We did visit one of the many Buddhist temples, wandered through markets and the girls got spa stuff done while boys enjoyed a peaceful garden with Koi Fish and macro-economics debates with Rob from Cambridge.

Reclining Buddha


The good luck pots, put a coin in each one to get some luck.

It’s almost like the statue is in on Eli’s joke.

Marco Polo, Thai style

We went to the electronics market, where they disassemble and repair EVERYTHING! These guys are re-winding motors.

Our excellent hotel. If you stay here keep a look out for my old cellphone 😉

Funny how kids can go from “I’m tired” to “let’s work out”.

I still can’t decide if he minded my taking his pic or not.