Last time we went to Canada before we hit Europe, this time we decided to hit Europe first because east to west jetlag seems easier to over come. We stayed at Winkel Acres for most of our time with several trips to Gull Lake too.

We stayed in Munich near the airport and went to a small museum with a great play ground. On the way back, it poured and we ended up staying in a bus shelter until a bus came to take us the kilometer to the hotel.

My seasoned travelers

Cousin time at Winkel Acre’s

The serious Thomas

We had a celebration at the University of Alberta in the Faculty Club.

The 5.0 (what we used to call campus security) didn’t come for them but might have before too long.

Cousin time at Nathan and Dee’s

Burning oil? The boys loved these things.

Mini golf and lunch at the Wooden Shoe always a great afternoon and a staple of our time in Gull.

Is this good hole design or bad golfing?

Uncle Nate gave all of the boys a tour of Morskate Welding Shop. Pretty impressive!

Nico knows his way around here.

A trip to the Ukrainian Village, near Edmonton.

Having a lesson in a traditional one room school house. The Village is very well done with everyone in character. The boys did spot a cell phone in someone’s pocket and they were quick to know that it was out of place here!

Did anyone ever have to do this job? Banging out the chalkboard brushes? Smart board technology and white boards with dry erase markers have made this obsolete.

Sailing in Wabamun Lake with Dad’s co-worker John.

Kevin and I visited Oma at her place and then had lunch in the Cafeteria. We had meatballs and potatoes and it was pretty good. Way to much for us to finish.

First thing I did when I got home to Muscat is go boating with Murray