When we come to a busy town we often end up just wandering around finding things to do and see. This has resulted in some really great experiences but it is also nice to have a bit of a guided route so that you can hit the highlights and maybe avoid some of the rougher spots. In Pireas, they painted yellow men on the sidewalk to guide you in a nice loop through the city. The only downer, the vast amounts of dog shit on the sidewalk – even worse than Paris.
Pireas is actually right beside Athens and we could see the Parthenon from the boat coming in. The marina we stayed in is called Zea Marina and the bay has been used since the times of ancient Greece as a harbor. At one time there were hundreds of triremes on skids on the shore of the bay in sheds to protect them. Some of the sheds had two triremes in tandem because they had run out of shore line for single lines of triremes. Now it is a parking spot for mega yachts on the outside, charter boats in the middle and small fishing boats on the inside.

This ancient bronze statute was in amazing condition. It was buried to protect it from an invading army and then lost for 1000s of years.