Sibu is nestled high in the hills above San Jose, where they make incredible food, coffee and chocolate desserts. Our house is about 15-20 minutes away and we made the drive 3 or 4 times. Jen from Vancouver is the pastry chef and makes amazing food. A favorite for Leah and I, is her sourdough bread which took a long time to perfect in the CR weather and must be brought home on weekends in order for it to survive. I envy her a little as she seems to have found her happy place – my feet are still too itchy. She showed us how chocolate is made, they do it by hand which is a very long process. Since her explanation of how it’s made while shelling toasted cacao beans, Leah and I have turned into chocolate snobs, looking at ingredients and only buying cacao based (not vegetable oil based) chocolate. It is worth every penny!
The boys like going to Sibu for two reasons, the chocolates and the grounds. Usually when we get there the boys run off and we eat. Then after lunch, we all pick one truffle from the menu and eat; they have 25 flavors but the boys usually play it safe with the basic vanilla and milk chocolate. Ethan devours his instantly, James spreads his over a few bites but Matthew savours his piece taking the most miniscule bites you can imagine. He is usually the last one to finish even though Leah and I both try to squeeze out maximum enjoyment from our piece. I’ve bought a few that were adventurous and turned out to be not my preference including a spicy chocolate that burned my mouth off.