January-ish 2017

It’s the beginning of March already! – The years get short…

the days are long (sometimes).

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” ― Albert Einstein

Applies with kids too -not sure if its the stove or the girl; a little of both depending on the day, how much sleep they got and whether they are fighting over something trival like a lego man head etc.

Here’s a few pictures for the month (s).


The hot dog preparing team at Dylan’s Birthday.


The awesome cake Monica made.

Clown fish at our beach.

This clown fish would charge your mask if you got to close.


We went for laser tag and arcade for an afternoon.

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Picking grass to feed to the Camels at the Muscat Festival.

Picking grass to feed to the Camels at the Muscat Festival.




1200 people attended kinderfeest put on by the Dutch committee.

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Ethan after his swimming lesson.


Doing the fly.


Christina’s going away party.


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