Getting her wet
The last week has revolved around getting Viatori into the water. This means we have spent the last week driving from the hotel to the boatyard to Walmart, Home Depot and other various marine supply stores.
The last week has revolved around getting Viatori into the water. This means we have spent the last week driving from the hotel to the boatyard to Walmart, Home Depot and other various marine supply stores.
After we left the pipeline house
I love how different cultures can be from each other. We may not understand and might even find it a little comical but for them it was normal and we shouldn’t judge them for that. The world will be a better place if we all have a little patience for differences between each other. We…
Charlene, Kevin, Emil, Dad and I went to the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor which also includes a WW2 submarine which you can walk through, the battleship Missouri and a air museum too. It was a great day, the highlights for me were the deck of the Missouri and watching through the submarine.
So, when I first arrived in Oahu, I didn`t know what to do with myself. After going along at what seemed like a break neck speed, I found myself with nothing to do! We had spent most of the month of December attending appointments, packing, purging, packing some more, doing some chores around the house,…