I’ve Got the…Homeschooling Blues

Well, as many of you know, our homeschooling has not been stellar.  I have an education background as I was a teacher for four years, all in elementary grades.  In fact I taught all four of the grades that my boys are in and are going into and yet this has not been an easy…

Life in Marathon

So we have been parked at a marina now for two weeks, after spending a week in Key West, Florida.  We found Key West to be very touristy and very expensive so we moved on after seeing a few things and trying to do some fun stuff with the boys while we were there.

TGIF or Thank Goodness its Florida!

Returning to Florida feels a bit like coming home.  I know it is not the same as going back to Alberta to see family and friends, but this is one step closer and I’m not going to lie, I am more than ready to go home for a visit.  Richard promised me an American stamp in…