Salma Plateau Brrrr – Picture Post

We drove up to the Salma Plateau to see the beehive tombs… it was cold.  Leah and I both gave up on sleeping in our tent on blow up mattresses and slept in the car.  It was a bit warmer however I didn’t really warm up until I took the pillow case off my pillow to use as a torque.  A long night.


The Kia made it, barely. There were a few spots where there was no more power, 1st gear, pedal to the metal and no acceleration. Only had to stop once to let the engine cool down.




There is a giant cave on the plateau. We through rocks into it and it took a full 5 seconds for them to hit bottom about 125m down.


There are thousands of these tombs in Oman. They date back 1000s of years. No really knows what they were used for or why they were built.

Climbing through the conveniently sized entrance brought out everyone's graceful side.

Climbing through the conveniently sized entrance brought out everyone’s graceful side.




The group with a mostly intact (restored?) beehive tomb.

Same picture closer.

Same picture closer.




Ankel Adventures fire writing


The kids managed to sleep through the night in their tent but they all brought their sleeping bags to the fire to stay warm in the morning..


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